About this equalities toolkit website and how it works

Resources from around this website which explain how things work and how to navigate the content.

final report template

Can anyone direct me to this please?



Raising Awareness

A Flowboard has been created, by puting together the equalitiestoolkit logos, available on Catina's blog and our aims for the project. This lets key people see quicky what the project is about. It has been used to brief senior tutors whilst they reach decisions about thier learners' suitability for work placement. It is also proving an ideal base to create the project's marketing materials.

Moving forward with text and image

Today sees the team getting together with some design specialists to examine ways of editing the current body of text material which forms the primary content of the 'Homophobia' section of the 'Good Practice' guide.

This should be quite exciting as it means we will be focussing our energies in a creative direction, selecting images and fonts to ensure the information we present has maximum impact.

Additionally, we hope to be looking at extracting the 'key points' from this content and to embed this into some plasma screen displays which can be viewed across the college campus.


Making Progress

We are slowly getting everything together.

The Yammer-based online steering group is proving invaluable for generating ideas.  The researcher is putting together some robust tools and I'm getting on with planning the training days, the first of which is fully subscribed.  The coaches meet on Friday and we're discussing jelly babies.  The only part of the complex weave I've not given thought to yet are the online materials, which I had in mind as being prompts for thinking, but a timely LinkedIn link from a colleague is giving me some great food for thought...

Hope everyone else is enjoying their project as much as we are!


Time to Think....

Yesterday was a thought-provoking day, on so many levels.

It was a delight to see my old comrade Catina, and to start to develop new professional friendships in this community of practice.  Great to find connections with like minded projects, organisations...and just like minds.

I loved looking at TeachDifferent:  The Diversity Programme, from all the different angles.  I've got some good ideas that need a weekend's reflexion to work through.  

This short blog is a beginning and a call-out to all colleagues on Twitter to link up there too, using #EDIFund - find me at @teachnorthern (you could find me @loumycroft but you'd be disappointed with the rubbish I spout there).  

Looking forward so much to ALL our journeys.

Lou x

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